Sunday, February 4, 2018

Project Gothic

Working title: Project Gothic
Defend your keep while you smash your opponents! At the moment I only have multiplayer working. I will upload it as soon as I have a simple "time trial" single player, and I'll eventually add in ai opponents.

This project was a LOT of firsts for me. Building a game for multiplayer from the ground up requires a very different mindset and I hit a lot of roadblocks along the way. I try to rely on as few external libraries as possible to keep the design as clean as possible. I use jMonkey Engine as it's a very good, easily expandable engine based on lwjgl. For the UI I use Lemur GUI which is built from the ground up to work with and resemble jMonkey's scene graph and spatials. This makes adding and modifying ui elements extremely simple. I also use ZayEs Entity-Component system. By following "pure" Entity-component design philosophy I was able to add in complex systems that are very modular in nature, and allowed very easy online integration and I can trouble shoot each system independently. This does come with a memory over-head of storing large numbers of component objects and systems often have similar structures that are kept separate from each other. I feel requiring more memory is worth the trade off of having very distinct systems and components with very few cross contamination.

The assets are very simple assets I threw together quickly to have something playable. I probably won't revisit the assets unless this project gets enough interest.

Well that's all I have for right now. Expect something playable to be uploaded in the next couple of weeks!

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