Monday, December 25, 2017

Reindeer Rearing early build!

An early build of the project I was teasing is up on itch, Reindeer Rearing!

Reindeer Rearing is a simple game where you have 15 days to raise a reindeer to be the best reindeer it can be among 4 different stats. To train a stat you engage in a mini game related to that stat. When you win the stat is increased. When you lose a corresponding stat is effected negatively.

As it stands it's a pretty early version I put up to enter in the contest I originally started the project for. The mini games are not balanced well, though most do scale in difficulty. It's lacking a lot of art assets and animations as well. There is also no audio in the game yet.

Over the next week or so I will have another update which will focus on adding in more artwork and hopefully getting the balance of the mini games.

While I'm working on art assets for Reindeer Rearing I also plan on implementing my new sprite system into Dungeon Hoard. This won't get uploaded right away as it doesn't add anything performance wise for the player, but it does help maintain pixel accuracy while also making it much easier to add new units and animations.

I'll have a new blog post later this week talking about how I achieve pixel accuracy in a 3d, floating point game engine.

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