Hello, I hope you had a great November. My November was very productive. I had a solid week off from work due to the holiday and I dedicated most of that time to working on various projects!
Bogie is churning along nice and steady. I continue to bash away at physics to get them as consistent and predictable as possible. I was able to boil down the aircraft flight model into several easily modifieable and understandable tables and the results are very pleasing. The underlying math for the flight model is not likely to change dramatically from here on.
After I got the flight model in a useable position I started playing with weapons. I now have working machine guns and guided missiles, all weapon code is still rather early though and likely to change alot.
I was able to implement asynchonous loading and loading screens with progress bars! This was a first for me so I am pretty happy to discover how simple it could be.
December is here, and that means I decided to revisit Reindeer Rearing. I wound up leaving RR in it's broken state 2 years ago when I realized I was trying to build on top of a broken base. I decided to give the project a complete re-write while using the assets I had already created. Hopefully I can have this finished before Christmas.
That's all for my November update. I apologize for the lack of pictures but nearly everything I have finished is either completely behind the scenes or just being drawn with debug lines atm. I will do my best to have some screenshots for my next update!