Game design is hard, solo game design is even harder. Sometimes you start with the greatest ideas and rush in to happily create what you think is awesome. Sometimes you get 80% of the way to a playable prototype and realize that awesome idea is really just some sparkly mud.
I'm putting Ceres on hold (probably indefinitely) since after getting as far as I did, I realized it was just plain not fun.
Now I'm working on another project under the name "Bogie" for now. This is a genre I've always wanted to try making a game for! As of writing this I don't have much more than cubes flying around in what feels like the direction I hope to take the project, but I'm also tackling some engine level problems that I've had crop up in previous projects. This is making for a much slower start than on Gothic or Ceres, but the end result will be several new libraries I will be able to re-use in the future which are solid and well tested.
Sometimes life hands you lemons, other times you try to grow lemons and realize you planted a thorn bush. I know I haven't had a playable project in awhile, but that's ok. Every day I'm working to make the next playable thing the best playable thing I can make!
Thanks for coming by and reading. If you're looking for something fun to do there are some playable games linked on the right, or check out my "Interested in making games?" section and try making something fun!